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Underground utility owner's, learn more about becoming a member.

Find out how to submit a ticket for your dig.

A yellow excavator is sitting on top of a pile of dirt.

Know What You’re Getting Into Before You Start Any Excavation

Every state has unique excavation laws, that's why it’s important to make sure you excavate safely. One-Call of Wyoming, Inc. is a nonprofit based in Wyoming that’s here to help you with your next excavation project. We provide a wide range of resources to help excavation professionals and property owners work safely on their properties and all excavation projects.

Submit a ticket request online or dial 8-1-1 at least 2 full business days before your intended excavation.

Know What's Below
A black and white icon of an excavator on a white background.

Planning to Dig?

Any excavation project, NO MATTER HOW BIG OR HOW SMALL, in Wyoming requires all homeowners and excavators to dial the three easy-to-remember, nationally recognized numbers, 8-1-1 or submit a ticket online. We make the submission process easy, and we’re here to help you make sure you dig safely.

Have a question about the excavation process? Reach out to us today.

We take safety seriously

Your safety, that of your team and the public matters.

To keep you, and the general public safe and your project on track, rely on our resources:

  • We provide FREE resources to assist with safe digging.

  • We offer FREE excavator training resources for all stakeholders

  • We hold FREE excavation classes to improve safety around excavation sites

We want to protect all excavators and the public from hazards while planning projects throughout the state. If you have any questions about our FREE services, please contact us now.

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