One-Call of Wyoming, Inc. is here to protect all excavators from hazards while planning to excavate in Wyoming. Prior notification of excavation and location of these underground facilities are required by law. Those who choose to ignore the danger by digging blindly or failing to familiarize themselves with damage prevention may be facing legal enforcement and fines.
Excavators include those who move the earth with non-mechanical or powered equipment. These excavators may work for city, municipal, county or state governments or contracting companies. Excavators can include general contractors, landscaping or fence companies, owners of underground facilities and even homeowners and ranchers, to name a few.
There are two ways to submit a ticket to Wyoming 811.
No matter which option you choose, notifying utility members in advance, will allow them to mark their lines. The utility owners or their locating contractors will come out and mark your proposed excavation site for FREE so you can dig safely.
Tell us about your project including location, address, who the work is done for, type of work, how long it will take, as well as any special instructions needed to make sure the right area gets marked. We will provide you with a reference number that serves as proof of your call. In addition, One Call of Wyoming, Inc. will keep a complete record of your call to verify your compliance with the law.